For New Yorkers, born and bussed:
If you're not reading Eater already, or at least just the Dealfeed portion, you really should be. If you still have a job, one upside to the recession is that tons of restaurant meals are now affordable thanks to special deals that will die as the Dow surges*. If you don't have a job anymore, one upside to the recession is that tons of restaurants are offering discounts and deals to those who can prove they're unemployed (Dear John from your previous employer or unemployment check will do).
If it wasn't good enough that someone else was diligently tracking these deals (some of which are admittedly only "deals"), it's like this magical someone else read my mind re: making a map of NYC restaurants and rolled out the Dealfeed Map!
Any takers for Craft's Frugal Fridays (which are now actually every night except Tuesday)?
*Of course, many of these deals might also die if the Dow plunges - along with the restaurants themselves.
The Ace Hotel Brooklyn Restaurant Has Closed
5 hours ago
This post reminded me that i still have about $200 in coupons that I bought on mega-sale. Talk about deal and "deals."